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Progress in Medical Sciences ISSN: 2577 - 2996

Video Article

Impact Factor: 1.023*

Progress in Medical Sciences. 2022; 6(3):(135-139)

Care and Disease Management: Why Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) Need to have an Inclusive Approach to Patient Care

Gokul Ramadoss


The health sector increasingly uses the terms "managed care" and "disease management," but few people understand them. Managed care refers to any health care system that pays for and provides treatment. Pressure to keep prices low has helped it flourish in the United States, and improved resource management is lowering costs. US managed care plans vary, but they share several traits. These include restricted doctor providers, secondary care access, selective contracting, financial incentives, quality monitoring, and utilization management. The NHS has all of these aspects, making it a united managed care system. Disease management coordinates resources across the health care system to treat patients throughout their illness. Business organizations have noticed that the NHS lacks a well-established system for disease management. Concerns regarding commercial engagement include the separation of basic medical services, the possibility of becoming a for-profit corporation, and the use of patient-based data. New guidelines may allow NHS disease control to increase.