Progress in Medical Sciences. 2023;
Acquired Intrabdominal Testis Due to Adhesions After Necrotizing Enterocolitis
Isber Ademaj *, Hysni Jashari, Naser Gjonbalaj and Arta Syla
Un descendent testis (UDT) refers to absence of the testicle in the hemiscrotum. It happens usually
due to the stagnation of the testicle during the descent. In about 90% of cases is unilateral. The
etiopathogenesis of UDT is quite well described in the literature where in most cases stagnation occurs
in the inguinal canal and very rarely in the abdomen. Stagnation of a testicle in the abdomen in addition
to the histopathological damage that may result, may also be the target of adhesions with intestinal
segments. There have been documented some very rare reports of intestinal obstruction due to adhesions
between an intraabdominal testis and the intestinal segment. Our case report aims to document a very
rare variant of acquired intra-abdominal cryptorchidism due to adhesions after necrotizing enterocolitis
(NEC). Any newborn after a laparotomy has a significant risk of developing intraperitoneal adhesions,
which in the NEC are common complications even when passed without surgical treatment. In this report
we will describe a case of previously palpable testis in the inguinal canal at neonatal age which was
pulled inside the abdomen at seventh month of age through adhesions between test and the segment
of sigmoid colon after NEC.