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Progress in Medical Sciences ISSN: 2577 - 2996

Video Article

Impact Factor: 1.023*

Progress in Medical Sciences. 2022; 6(6):(87-202)

Anti SARS-Cov-2 Vaccine in CRPS Patients

Sharon Halperin*, Andrea Book, Moran Shextman, Israel Dudkiewiczand Oren Barzel

Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a chronic pain syndrome defined by the presence of clinical features such as allodynia, hyperalgesia, sudomotor and vasomotor abnormalities. The pathophysiology of CRPS is not yet fully understood and is likely to involve pain dysregulation in the sympathetic and central nervous systems with genetic, inflammatory and psychological contributions. Data on the safety of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines in CRPS patients is sparse. We conducted a retrospective study on CRPS patients vaccinated with the BNT162b2 vaccine. The aim was to evaluate the willingness of CRPS patients to get vaccinated, the frequency and the severity of adverse events and whether the vaccine affected their chronic pain. The study included patients diagnosed with CRPS regularly visiting our CRPS outpatient clinic. The analysis included 34 patients (55% males, median age 42, 67% of the patients have CRPS of the upper limbs, 26 % have CRPS of the lower limbs and 7% in both upper and lower limbs). Twenty-seven patients received only one dose of the vaccine and 26 patients received two doses. For most patients (88%), the adverse events were well tolerated and did not have any effect on their CRPS pain. In conclusion, although this is a small patient cohort, the BNT162b2 was well accepted and tolerable among our CRPS patients. 

Perspective: This study shows the adverse events profile of the anti SARS-Cov-2 BNT162b2 vaccine in CRPS patients. The two doses were well tolerated among our CRPS patients. This study may help physicians recommend the vaccine to their CRPS patients.