Progress in Medical Sciences. 2017;
Curriculum design principles for developing a module in medical education
Ambili Remesh
Curriculum, the crux of the whole educational process has its impact on health professional programs as well as healthcare need of the society. It is intended to bring about changes in learners in four domains. Curriculum design is a complex process which needs meticulous planning and extensive conceptual frameworks. Several categories of adult learning theories link intricately with curriculum development. There is increasing relevance and accountability to curricular development for the medical educators. Module, a subunit of curriculum, is deliberated according to the curricular frame work selected. The steps in curriculum development can be applied to develop a module. Module can provide quality learning experience for facilitator and student alike. The various models of Curriculum evaluation are used in modules also. All medical educators need to undergo a systematic and skilled training in curriculum design and module development to fulfil their responsibility of imparting quality education.