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Progress in Medical Sciences ISSN: 2577 - 2996

Video Article

Impact Factor: 1.023*

Progress in Medical Sciences. 2021; 5(1):(59-189)

Fitz-Hugh-Curtis Syndrome, A Underly Studied Complication in Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Karen Tatiana Guerra Molina1, Juan Pablo Suárez Maestre2, María Candy Miranda David3, Mónica Andrea Riveros Cárdenas4, Daniela Camargo Gómez5, Felipe Antonio Tafur Pérez6, Juan Farak Gomez7*

Introduction: Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome is a perihepatitis product of a complication of pelvic inflammatory disease, this entity mostly affects women of childbearing age, its main clinical manifestation is pain in the right upper quadrant that may or may not be associated with chronic pain in the pelvic region and a history of clinical or subclinical PID. 

Methodology: For this article, a narrative review was carried out in different indexed journals and others, using keywords such as Fitz-Hugh-Curtis Syndrome, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, in order to obtain original and review articles whose publication had been carried out between 2005 and 2020 Initially 28 articles were obtained but after applying our inclusion and exclusion criteria, we were left with 10 of which we collected the most applicable and relevant information possible.

Results: Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome is a complication present in about 14% of patients diagnosed with PID. The way in which microorganisms spread from the upper genitalia to the hepatic level is through the movement of peritoneal fluids from the pariotocolic leak to the subphrenic space, but other routes of dissemination such as hematogenous and lymphatic have also been described. 

Conclution: Despite having been described almost a century ago, it is little known within general practitioners and specialists, for which reason it is almost never seen in differential diagnoses, and the finding of its characteristic sign (adhesions on violin strings) ends up being incidental.