Progress in Medical Sciences. 2021;
Unstable Coronary Angina with EKG changes due to LAD Coronary Artery Dissection
James Richard Allen1, Zohra Razaq Malik2*, Zareen Razaq3 and Roman Pachulski2
Myocardial infarction (MI) is necrosis of heart muscle secondary to prolonged ischemia. There are an estimated
1.5 million cases of MI that occurs annually in the United States. Clinical symptoms include substernal chest pain
radiating to the left shoulder, neck, or jaw, palpitations, and diaphoresis. Patients are often tachycardic and may
be tachypneic. Work up routinely include electrocardiography (ECG) and troponin levels. Treatment will depend
on the cause of the MI. There are five types of MIs with type 1 being the most common. Within type one, the
most common cause is atherosclerotic. Other causes including coronary artery dissection, vasospasm, embolic,
and inflammatory (vasculitides, COVID). In young female patients who present with clinical symptoms of MI,
coronary artery dissection is an important differential. We demonstrate a case of a young woman presenting
with unstable coronary angina. The patient was diagnosed with SCAD on a diagnostic catheterization and was
promptly treated a stent.